May 21, 2016

What I eat in a day!

Hey guys! Lately I've been on a diet, trying to avoid sweets and generally eating healthier so I thought I could share a day worth of meals with you guys. This was on a Sunday, when I usually have more time to cook and prep meals because most of the week I don't do this good ;)

I started the day with a cup of ginger and lemon infused water to hydrate the body and help awakening my digestive system, and then I went around checking my social media for about 30 minutes, right before I prepared my breakfast.
This day I had this yummy toasted seed bread with strawberry jam, and a cup of coffee with almond milk.

For lunch I made this beautiful dish of quinoa and corn pasta with ground meat and roasted aspargus (and a piece of bread, let's keep it real), so good!
And for dessert I had a bowl of fruit salad, with strawberries, orange, apple, peach, pineapple, kiwi and bananas (which I left behind, can't get around liking bananas :/).

Lunch actually kept me full for a long time, but I ended up having an afternoon snack - greek yogurt, granola and berries - bomb combo! I would have this everyday, but to be honest when I'm working I rarely eat anything between lunch and dinner, which is really bad I know --' Sometimes I'll have a few almonds (or a cookie :p).

By dinner time I wasn't that hungry and still had some aspargus in the fridge so I threw them on a skillet with some mushrooms and made some scrambled eggs that I ate with a mixed greens and seeds salad.

And that was it guys, I was done with food for the day!
Let me know if you like this kind of post and if next time I should include the recipes.
Thank you so much for reading!


  1. Que bom aspecto! Principalmente o teu lanche!

    Marta Rodrigues, Majestic

  2. Meu deus, que coisinhas tão boas!
    Não conhecia o blog mas adorei e já estou a seguir!
    Se quiseres passa também no meu e se gostares segue :)
    An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram

    1. Obrigada! Segui de volta, e no insta também! :)


  3. Tem tudo tão bom aspeto!
    Segui o blog!
    Beijinhos, Dare to Wear ♥

  4. I love the range here Monica and I think you're setting such a healthy example food wise! Great job :)

    Julia // The Sunday Mode


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