Sep 16, 2015

Goodbye Summer!

Hello beautiful people!

Last week I went on a mini 4 day getaway to Setúbal and it was my official goodbye to Summer 2015.
Sadly, due to work and school issues my mom and sister couldn't come and it ended up just being me and dad, but it was still fun :)

On the first day, after a 3 hour drive, we arrived around lunch time and ended up spending the afternoon rooming around town and visiting a couple of relatives.

Dinner that day was the city's famous "Fried Cuttlefish" which was my first try and I turned out really enjoying it :)

On the second day we headed to Figueirinha's Beach. The weather was a little cloudy and windy but it was still a good beach day. And in the evening we went to Alegro Shopping, where I splurged a little at Kiko (haul coming soon!) and we ended up having dinner there at McDonalds.

The next day we caught the boat to Troia and it was the best day at the beach. The weather was so nice and the beach was so beautiful, too bad we didn't get to see any dolphins :/

Dinner was this delicious Pizza Hut's pizza! 

Sadly our time was coming to an end, and on the last day we returned to Figueirinha and enjoyed the morning at the beach (and a good Bola de Berlim ;)  

It was then time to say goodbye to Setúbal, and to Summer, and head home because I had a wedding the next day. 

Bye bye Summer, see you next year (and hopefully Setúbal too :)


  1. Adoro o verão, acho que nem dei por ele passar e já estou com saudades!

    Isabel Sá


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