May 29, 2016

I'm 25!! Birthday Haul

Guys...I'm 25!! What the hell? This happened last Tuesday the 24th and luckily it was my day off.
I usually don't get that excited about my birthday, I guess I don't like celebrating getting older ahah but this year I was really looking forward to the day and even though I didn't do anything big I quite enjoyed my day. I got to spend time with my closest friends and I loved all the presents I got!

I went out with my best friends from high school so they were with me when midnight came :)
And on my actual birthday I went shopping in the morning with my friend Sandra from college and we then had burgers with Pedro who managed to meet us during his lunch break. After shopping around and indulging, I got home, did a mini photo shoot with my sister of my balloons (which I ordered from ebay and turned out much bigger than I expected ahah) and photographed my birthday haul, which you'll see below, and then cooked dinner for my family and chilled for the rest of the evening.

All the presents I got were from my sister and friends, everybody else in the family just got me money (which I appreciate!) except from my cousin that got me a cute handmade pocket pen holder/case for me to use at work and which I forgot to photograph :/

My favorites were this bag from Zara which I wore immediately, the nude beauty blender and the rose golden face palette from Zoeva that I still have yet to try (and probably will review for you guys!).

Hope you enjoyed this post, thank you for reading!


  1. Que prendas fantásticas! Essa palette da Zoeva é lindíssima, depois mostra-a em mais detalhe.

    Marta Rodrigues, Majestic


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